eCDError enumeration   


Constant Value Description
cdNoAdditionalErrorData1000No additional error data was reported.
cdIOTerminated1001Abnormal I/O Termination.
cdLogicalUnitNotReady1002The drive is not ready.
cdLogicalUnitCommFailed1003Communication with drive unit failed.
cdDeviceTrackingError1004The drive could not track properly.
cdWriteGenericError1005Writing error of unknown origin.
cdWriteRecoveryNeeded1006Writing occurred, but recovery is needed.
cdWriteRecoveryFailed1007Recovery attempt failed.
cdWriteLossOfStreaming1008A buffer under-run has occurred.
cdReadUnrecovered1009The disc could not be read.
cdReadRetriesExhausted1010The drive's attempts at reading retries failed.
cdReadErrorTooLong1011The read timed out.
cdReadLECUncorrectable1012While reading, the LEC was not recovered.
cdReadCIRCUnrecovered1013The CIRC could not be validated.
cdReadUPCEANFailed1014Reading of the UPC failed.
cdReadISRCFailed1015Reading of the ISRC failed.
cdReadLossOfStreaming1016Streaming while reading was interrupted.
cdPositioningError1017Drive could not position media.
cdParameterListLengthError1018An incompatible parameter length was sent to the drive.
cdSynchronousTransferError1019A transfer error occurred to the drive. 
cdInvalidCommandCode1020An invalid command was sent to the drive.
cdLBAOutOfRange1021Error trying to write past the end of the media.
cdInvalidCDBField1022Invalid command field.
cdInvalidParamterListField1023An incompatible parameter field was sent to the drive.
cdParameterNotSupported1024A command parameter is not supported.
cdParamterValueInvalid1025A command parameter had an invalid value.
cdBusOrDeviceReset1026The SCSI/ATAPI bus was reset and caused a failure.
cdParametersChanged1027A command parameter changed while in progress.
cdIncompatibleMedium1028The disc is not compatible with the drive mode.
cdReadUnknownMediumFormat1029The drive does not recognize the format of the disc.
cdReadIncompatibleMediumFormat1030The disc format is not compatible with the drive.
cdWriteUnknownMediumFormat1031The disc is of an unknown format.
cdIncompatibleWriteFormat1032The drive cannot write because of an incompatible format.
cdMediaNotPresent1033A disc is not present.  
cdLogicalUnitFailure1034The drive had an unknown failure.
cdLogicalUnitTimedOut1035The drive has timed out while completing a command.
cdEraseFailed1036The disc could not be erased.
cdUnableToRecoverTOC1037The Table of Contents is unrecoverable.
cdEndOfUserAreaOnTrack1038Error trying to write past the user area of the media (1021).
cdPacketDoesNotFit1039Packet recording is not configured correctly.
cdIllegalTrackMode1040The current track mode is incompatible with the disc format.
cdInvalidPacketSize1041Packet recording has incorrect size.
cdSessionFixationError1042A generic session closing error occurred.
cdSessionFixationErrorLeadIn1043Error closing Lead-in area.
cdSessionFixationErrorLeadOut1044Error closing Lead-out area.
cdSessionFixationIncompleteTrack1045While closing, the track was never completed.
cdEmptyPartialReservedTrack1046Error attempting to write to a reserved track. 
cdPowerCalibrationFull1047Power calibration area is full.
cdPowerCalibrationAreaError1048A flaw exists in the Power calibration area.
cdPMAUpdateFailure1049The disc's PMA could not be updated.
cdPMAFull1050The disc's PMA is full.
cdUnknownError1051Unknown error - use extended data for more information.
cdNoError1052No error occurred.
cdNoSeekComplete1053A seek command was interrupted by another command.